A New Deep Learning Model to Detect Gamma-Ray Bursts in the AGILE Anticoincidence System , The Astrophysical Journal , 2024AGILE platform: a deep learning powered approach to accelerate LNP development for mRNA delivery , Nature Communications , 2024The AGILEScience mobile application for the AGILE space mission , Astronomy and Computing , 2024Scientific Highlights of the AGILE Gamma-ray Mission , Universe , 2024AGILE Gamma-Ray Detection of the Exceptional GRB 221009A , The Astrophysical Journal , 2023The AGILE real-time analysis software system to detect short-transient events in the multi-messenger era , Astronomy and Computing , 2023The First AGILE Solar Flare Catalog , The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series , 2023A Deep-learning Anomaly-detection Method to Identify Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Ratemeters of the AGILE Anticoincidence System , The Astrophysical Journal , 2023Characterisation of SARS-CoV-2 genomic variation in response to molnupiravir treatment in the AGILE Phase IIa clinical trial , Nature Communications , 2022AGILE Observations of GRB 220101A: A "New Year's Burst" with an Exceptionally Huge Energy Release , The Astrophysical Journal , 2022AGILE Instrument: Advanced Energetic Ion Electron Telescope , IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science , 2022The Second AGILE MCAL Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog: 13 yr of Observations , The Astrophysical Journal , 2022AGILE Observations of the LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-wave Events of the GWTC-1 Catalog , The Astrophysical Journal , 2022AGILE Observations of Fast Radio Bursts , The Astrophysical Journal , 2021A Deep Learning Method for AGILE-GRID Gamma-Ray Burst Detection , The Astrophysical Journal , 2021A Fully Open-Source Approach to Intelligent Edge Computing: AGILE's Lesson , Sensors , 2021AGILE and Konus-Wind Observations of GRB 190114C: The Remarkable Prompt and Early Afterglow Phases , The Astrophysical Journal , 2020AGILE Paradigm: The next generation collaborative MDO for the development of aeronautical systems , Progress in Aerospace Sciences , 2020Collaborative Architecture supporting the next generation of MDAO within the AGILE paradigm , Progress in Aerospace Sciences , 2020Knowledge architecture supporting the next generation of MDO in the AGILE paradigm , Progress in Aerospace Sciences , 2020Multidisciplinary aircraft integration within a collaborative and distributed design framework using the AGILE paradigm , Progress in Aerospace Sciences , 2020Enhancing optimization capabilities using the AGILE collaborative MDO framework with application to wing and nacelle design , Progress in Aerospace Sciences , 2020The 3rd AGILE Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Catalog. Part II: Optimized Selection Criteria and Characteristics of the New Sample , Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres) , 2020The 3rd AGILE Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flash Catalog. Part I: Association to Lightning Sferics , Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres) , 2020AGILESim: Monte Carlo Simulation of the AGILE Gamma-Ray Telescope , The Astrophysical Journal , 2020AGILE Observations of Two Repeating Fast Radio Bursts with Low Intrinsic Dispersion Measures , The Astrophysical Journal , 2020LCROSS Apache Point Observatory 3.5m Telescope AGILE Data Bundle , NASA Planetary Data System , 2020The on-board data processing of the AGILE satellite , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019In-orbit operations of AGILE mission: 11 years successfully in space , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019Gamma ray storms: preliminary meteorological analysis of AGILE TGFs , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019A decade of AGILE: Closing remarks , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019Ten years of AGILE: the mission and scientific highlights , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019AGILE development and silicon detector , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019AGILE and blazars: the unexpected, the unprecedented, and the uncut , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019Gamma-ray binaries detected by AGILE , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019Observation of AGILE transient γ -ray sources in coincidence with cosmic neutrino events , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019Introduction to the AGILE symposium , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019Detection of gamma-ray bursts with the AGILE MCAL , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019AGILE search for gamma-ray counterparts of gravitational wave events , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019The AGILE Gamma-Ray observatory: software and pipelines , Experimental Astronomy , 2019The AGILE data center and its legacy , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019Detection of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes with the AGILE/MCAL , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019The AGILE gamma-ray satellite software system: real-time analysis and Apps for multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy , Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali , 2019Multi-messenger astronomy with the γ-ray satellite AGILE: gravitational wave events and ultra-high energy astrophysical neutrinos , Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings , 2019Mathematical modeling of light curves of RHESSI and AGILE terrestrial gamma-ray flashes , Astrophysics and Space Science , 2019Second AGILE catalogue of gamma-ray sources , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2019AGILE Study of the Gamma-Ray Emission from the SNR G78.2+2.1 (Gamma Cygni) , The Astrophysical Journal , 2019AGILE: an assembled genome mining pipeline , Bioinformatics , 2019A New AGILE MCAL Configuration to Detect Gamma-Ray Bursts and Sub-threshold Events in the Multimessenger Era , The Astrophysical Journal , 2019AGILE, Fermi, Swift, and GASP/WEBT multi-wavelength observations of the high-redshift blazar 4C +71.07 in outburst , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2019AGILE Detection of Gamma-Ray Sources Coincident with Cosmic Neutrino Events , The Astrophysical Journal , 2019A new gamma-ray source unveiled by AGILE in the region of Orion , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2018Calibration of AGILE-GRID with On-ground Data and Monte Carlo Simulations , The Astrophysical Journal , 2018The Bright γ-ray Flare of 3C 279 in 2015 June: AGILE Detection and Multifrequency Follow-up Observations , The Astrophysical Journal , 2018AGILE results on relativistic outflows above 100MeV , International Journal of Modern Physics D , 2018AGILE Observations of the Gravitational-wave Source GW170817: Constraining Gamma-Ray Emission from an NS-NS Coalescence , The Astrophysical Journal , 2017AGILE Observations of the Gravitational-wave Source GW170104 , The Astrophysical Journal , 2017AGILE Detection of a Candidate Gamma-Ray Precursor to the ICECUBE-160731 Neutrino Event , The Astrophysical Journal , 2017High-energy Gamma-Ray Activity from V404 Cygni Detected by AGILE during the 2015 June Outburst , The Astrophysical Journal , 2017A pipeline to link meteorological information and TGFs detected by AGILE , Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) , 2017AGILE Observations of the Gravitational-wave Event GW150914 , The Astrophysical Journal , 2016The rise of AGILE demand response: Enabler and foundation for change , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , 2016AGILE as a particle detector: Magnetospheric measurements of 10-100 MeV electrons in L shells less than 1.2 , Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) , 2016Search of MeV-GeV counterparts of TeV sources with AGILE in pointing mode , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2016Enhanced detection of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes by AGILE , Geophysical Research Letters , 2015On the Angular Resolution of the AGILE Gamma-Ray Imaging Detector , The Astrophysical Journal , 2015Analysis of global Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes distribution and special focus on AGILE detections over South America , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics , 2015Properties of terrestrial gamma ray flashes detected by AGILE MCAL below 30 MeV , Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) , 2014The AGILE Alert System for Gamma-Ray Transients , The Astrophysical Journal , 2014An updated list of AGILE bright γ-ray sources and their variability in pointing mode , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2013Calibration of AGILE-GRID with in-flight data and Monte Carlo simulations , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2013Estimation of the Neutrino Flux and Resulting Constraints on Hadronic Emission Models for Cyg X-3 Using AGILE Data , The Astrophysical Journal , 2013AGILE mini-calorimeter gamma-ray burst catalog , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2013Very high energy gamma-ray observation of the peculiar transient event Swift J1644+57 with the MAGIC telescopes and AGILE , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2013A variability study of the AGILE first catalog of γ-ray sources on 2.3 years of AGILE pointed observations , Advances in Space Research , 2013Upper limits on the high-energy emission from gamma-ray bursts observed by AGILE-GRID , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2012The AGILE monitoring of Cygnus X-3: transient gamma-ray emission and spectral constraints , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2012Evaluating the maximum likelihood method for detecting short-term variability of AGILE γ-ray sources , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2012AGILE detection of Cygnus X-3 γ-ray active states during the period mid-2009/mid-2010 , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2012The AGILE observations of the hard and bright GRB 100724B , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2011The Brightest Gamma-Ray Flaring Blazar in the Sky: AGILE and Multi-wavelength Observations of 3C 454.3 During 2010 November , The Astrophysical Journal , 2011Gamma-ray blazars: The view from AGILE , Advances in Space Research , 2011High spatial resolution correlation of AGILE TGFs and global lightning activity above the equatorial belt , Geophysical Research Letters , 2011Variable and transient Galactic gamma-ray sources with AGILE , Nuovo Cimento C Geophysics Space Physics C , 2011AGILE observation of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes , Nuovo Cimento C Geophysics Space Physics C , 2011AGILE detection of extreme γ-ray activity from the blazar PKS 1510-089 during March 2009. Multifrequency analysis , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2011Overview of the first AGILE catalog of high-confidence gamma-ray sources , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2011The AGILE mission: The first 2 years , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2011Preliminary results on TeV sources search with AGILE , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2011The observation of gamma ray bursts and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes with AGILE , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2011Galactic sources science with AGILE: The case of the Carina Region , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2011The flaring blazars of the first 1.5 years of the AGILE mission , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2011First results about on-ground calibration of the silicon tracker for the AGILE satellite , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2011AGILE detection of intense γ-ray activity from the blazar PKS 0537-441 in October 2008 , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2010AGILE Observations of the "Soft" Gamma-ray Pulsar PSR B1509 - 58 , The Astrophysical Journal , 2010A year-long AGILE observation of Cygnus X-1 in hard spectral state , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2010Multi-wavelength campaigns on the flaring gamma-ray blazars detected by AGILE , X-ray Astronomy 2009; Present Status, Multi-Wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives , 2010AGILE/GRID observation of the pulsar PSR J0614+2229, PSR J1826-1334 and PSR J1856+0113 , X-ray Astronomy 2009; Present Status, Multi-Wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives , 2010AGILE detection of GeV γ-ray emission from the SNR W28 , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2010The AGILE silicon tracker: Pre-launch and in-flight configuration , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2010Detection of terrestrial gamma ray flashes up to 40 MeV by the AGILE satellite , Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) , 2010Multiwavelength studies of the blazars detected by AGILE , Ph.D. Thesis , 2010Detection of Gamma-Ray Emission from the Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula with AGILE , Science , 2010AGILE Detection of Delayed Gamma-ray Emission From the Short Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 090510 , The Astrophysical Journal , 2010AGILE detection of a rapid γ-ray flare from the blazar PKS 1510-089 during the GASP-WEBT monitoring , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2009Multiwavelength Observations of 3C 454.3. II. The AGILE 2007 December Campaign , The Astrophysical Journal , 2009First AGILE catalog of high-confidence gamma-ray sources , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2009The Gamma Ray Imaging Detector of the AGILE satellite: A novel application of silicon trackers for detection of astrophysics high-energy photons , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2009The AGILE Mission , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2009Discovery of New Gamma-Ray Pulsars with AGILE , The Astrophysical Journal , 2009AGILE observation of a gamma-ray flare from the blazar 3C 279 , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2009On the nature of the AGILE galactic transient sources , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2009High-Resolution Timing Observations of Spin-Powered Pulsars with the AGILE Gamma-Ray Telescope , The Astrophysical Journal , 2009AGILE Rate Control for IEEE 802.11 Networks , Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 2009Design and construction of the Mini-Calorimeter of the AGILE satellite , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2009High energy variability of 3C 273 during the AGILE multiwavelength campaign of December 2007-January 2008 , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2009Multiwavelength Observations of 3C 454.3. I. The AGILE 2007 November campaign on the "Crazy Diamond" , The Astrophysical Journal , 2009Gamma-ray burst detection with the AGILE mini-calorimeter , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2008AGILE detection of intense gamma-ray emission from the blazar PKS 1510-089 , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2008AGILE detection of delayed gamma-ray emission from GRB 080514B , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2008A photometric redshift of z = 1.8{+0.4 }{-0.3 } for the AGILE GRB 080514B , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2008Discovery of High-Energy Gamma-Ray Pulsations from PSR J2021+3651 with AGILE , The Astrophysical Journal , 2008AGILE detection of variable γ-ray activity from the blazar S5 0716+714 in September-October 2007 , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2008Long-term AGILE monitoring of the puzzling gamma-ray source 3EG J1835+5918 , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2008AGILE and Swift simultaneous observations of the blazar S50716+714 during the bright flare of October 2007 , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2008The high activity of 3C 454.3 in autumn 2007. Monitoring by the WEBT during the AGILE detection , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2008Search of GRB with AGILE Minicalorimeter , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2008The AGILE space mission , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2008Multifrequency monitoring of the blazar 0716+714 during the GASP-WEBT-AGILE campaign of 2007 , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2008AGILE Detection of a Strong Gamma-Ray Flare from the Blazar 3C 454.3 , The Astrophysical Journal , 2008SuperAGILE: The hard X-ray imager for the AGILE space mission , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2007Blazar duty-cycle at γ-ray frequencies: constraints from extragalactic background radiation and prospects for AGILE and GLAST , Astrophysics and Space Science , 2007The AGILE gamma ray satellite , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2007Gamma-ray Astrophysics with the Space Detector AGILE , Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement , 2006The AGILE on-board Kalman filter , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2006The AGILE anticoincidence detector , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2006Geographic information science research in Europe: contributions from AGILE , Computers and Geosciences , 2005Scientific Goals and Instrument Performance of the Gamma-Ray Imaging Detector AGILE , Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements , 2004AGILE, a satellite for high energy γ-ray astrophysics: prospects for the Mini-Calorimeter , New Astronomy Reviews , 2004Special Section-AGILE 2003 , Computers, Environment and Urban Systems , 2004Prospects for high energy studies of pulsars with the AGILE γ-ray telescope , Advances in Space Research , 2004The Gamma-Ray Imaging Detector AGILE: Scientific Goals and Instrument Performance , Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement , 2003The AGILE silicon tracker: an innovative /γ-ray instrument for space , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2003Possible New γ-Ray Pulsar Detections by the AGILE and GLAST Missions: An Outer Gap Model Look at the Parkes Pulsar Catalog , The Astrophysical Journal , 2003The AGILE silicon tracker: testbeam results of the prototype silicon detector , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2002Simulation of the AGILE gamma-ray imaging detector performance: part I , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2002Simulation of the AGILE gamma-ray imaging detector performance: Part II , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 2002The AGILE Mission and Gamma-Ray Astrophysics , International Journal of Modern Physics A , 2002The space gamma-ray observatory AGILE , Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements , 2000The AGILE contribution to GRBs studies , Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series , 1999
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