Updated online version of the 3rd AGILE TGF Catalog, including events up to October 31, 2020

We announce that the SSDC online version of the 3rd AGILE Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGF) Catalog, initially including events detected by the Minicalorimeter (MCAL) during the period March 2015 – September 2018 (A. Lindanger et al. 2020 and C. Maiorana et al. 2020), has been recently updated to include 517 new events associated with lightning sferics detected from October 1, 2018 to October 31, 2020. The total number of AGILE TGF events associated with lightning sferics from March 2015 to October 2020 is more than a thousand (1116).
The complete SSDC AGILE TGF web table is available here, and it also gives access to the available TGF light curves and counts details, providing supplementary material to the published papers. The current version, published online on September 2, 2021 also includes minor bug fixes affecting the previous plotting of some of the TGF lightcurves during the so-called DRIFT period (see references for more details).